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4.27澳洲内政部⻓Clare Ellen O’Neil上了National Press Club, 公布了澳洲新的移⺠政策⼤⽅针,本次公布的为⼤体⽅针,细节还尚未公布。以下是我们翻译的政府文件,供您参考。

Prioritising the people we need to enhance our economic prosperity and security

We will clearly define the role of our migration system in addressing the challenges and

opportunities our nation faces. We will also redesign the structure and settings of our programs

(permanent and temporary) to attract the skilled workforce and facilitate the international

engagement we need to enhance our economic prosperity and security.

⽂中⾼频使⽤Security国家安全,并⽤到⼀个Human Capital的词形容尖端技术⼈才,例如精密机



Making it simple and efficient for employers and migrants

We will simplify the system to make it easier and faster for the people with the skills we need. We

will also ensure migration is complementary to, and not a substitute for, a highly skilled local

workforce – this will involve defining a formal, evidence-based role for Jobs and Skills Australia in

our migration system, using advice from tripartite mechanisms.


Delivering outcomes for Australians and migrants post-arrival

Building on the work already underway within the Government, we will create a new nation

building endeavour with States and Territory governments, to ensure our migration system

responds to the needs of all Australia, including those in the regions, while ensuring proper

investment in housing, infrastructure and services to secure the benefits of migration. We will also

do more to assist migrants to achieve better labour market outcomes and we will do more to

design out exploitation from the migration system.





Prioritising the people we need to enhance our economic prosperity and security

We need to clearly define how our migration system can help Australia, by:

Adopting a clear set of objectives and principles to guide the migration system for the coming





雇主担保部分把Labour market testing(LMT)取消掉, 原本的Temporary Skilled Migration Income

Threshold (TSMIT)的 53900澳币收⼊提⾼到70000澳币以适应当下平均收⼊⽔平,如果⼀直压在



We need to reform the way we select those who are offered permanent residence:

- Changing how we select permanent skilled migrants (reforming ‘the points test’) to focus on

factors that best contribute to lifting Australia’s productivity, participation, and addressing our

ageing population challenges, all while meeting our strategic security imperatives

- Radically reshaping the Global Talent and Business Innovation & Investment programs, and

building a new, simple pathway to attract the migrants we need to drive innovation







Making it simple and efficient for employers and migrants

We need a system that improves the experiences of people who interact with the migration

system through:

- Simplifying the system (e.g. visa categories, rules, requirements) and improving the user

experience of employers and migrants

- After addressing the most acute aspects of the visa backlog, continuing to make the system

faster and more efficient through investment in IT, data and people capabilities

- Placing small business on a more level playing field by exploring a switch to monthly employer

fees and charges rather than a large up-front investment

We need an evidence-based approach to migration decisions, and better coordination and

integration of the labour market, the training and education systems with the migration system.

This means:

- Establishing a formal role for Jobs and Skills Australia in defining Australia’s skills needs using

evidence, including advice from tripartite mechanisms

- Formalising feedback between the migration system and the training and education system to

ensure labour shortages are dealt with in a comprehensive, planned manner

- Once a formal role is established for Jobs and Skills Australia in our migration system, many of

the drivers of complexity can be simplified and removed 




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